Music Maniac

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

have a nice day...@@

In a Chicago hospital, a gentleman had made several attempts to get into
the men's restroom, but it had always been occupied.
A nurse noticed his predicament. " Sir", she said " You may use the ladies
room if you promise not to touch any of the buttons on the wall."
He did what he needed to, and as he sat there he noticed the buttons he had
promised not to touch. Each button was identified by letters: WW , WA , PP,
and a red one labeled ATR. Who would know if he touched them?
He couldn't resist. He pushed WW. Warm water was sprayed gently upon his bottom.
What a nice feeling, he thought. Men's restrooms don't have nice things like this.
Anticipating greater pleasure, he pushed the WA button. Warm air replaced
the warm water, gently drying his underside.

When this stopped, he pushed the PP button. A large powder puff caressed his
bottom adding a fragile scent of spring flower to this unbelievable pleasure.
The ladies restroom was more than a restroom, it is tender loving pleasure.
When the powder puff completed its pleasure, he couldn't wait to push the
ATR button which he knew would be supreme ecstasy. He was immediately
knocked out by an excruciating pain.
Next thing he knew he opened his eyes, he was in a hospital bed, and a nurse
was staring down at him.
"What happened?" he exclaimed. "The last thing I remember was pushing the
ATR button."
"The button ATR is an Automatic Tampon Remover.
Your testicles are now in this jar, sir."

12 Ways To Know That You Love Someone

12 Ways To Know That You Love Someone

You talk with him/her late at night and when you go to bed you still think of him/her.

You walk really slowly when you are with him/her.

You don't feel Ok when he/she is far away.

You smile when you hear his/her voice.

When you look at him/her,you do not see other people around you.You see only him/her.

He/She is everything you want to think.

You realise that you smile every time you look at him/her.

You would do anything to see him/her.

While you have been reading this, there was a person in your mind all the time.

You've been so busy thinking of that person that you didn't notice that number SEVEN is missing.

You are going to check above if that's true and now you are silently laughing to yourself.

wakakaka!!!! so funny~~relax@@































































警察说:因为他爬上树后,突然一道闪电...... 他以为......有人给他拍照......






从此以后,公狗每次在树下小便时,都会伸出一只脚,用力顶着树,以免树倒下来压到自己 。 afternoon..><

*so romantic*
29 JULY... don't have KOKO...can go back early..
today kinda boring at school...actually is very boring in school everyday>.<

just now in class my friend and I suddenly talked about our future career..haha
we were all so unsure about what are we gonna be in the future...==
lots kind of jobs we talked about,got doctor la,pilot la,anatomy la,physio la,AIR STEWARDESS la,accountant la,NUTRITIONIST la.............haizzz..but talked so much still cannot decide...hmm.....let me list out my future job options and slowly eliminate one by one.......><

1. Nutritionist...calories..
2. Air stewardess...waitress on the skylol
3.Doctor...?yer~~lazy to study so much liao can only come out after 28 yrs old!!OMG!!
4. Chef...i love to cook!!~~
5. Hotel
6. Anatomy...walao!!dissect!!slowly take out the heart,lungs,kidney....wahahah
7. Actress...hmm..
8. Movie director..wahh,naik pangkat from becoming actress..><
9. Taekwondo instructor..huadakkkk!!!~~~
10.Biochemist..BIO + CHEM...*boomm*

My goodness!!!~~~~11 jobs!!you know what??i can actually open a company comprising all this department...wakakakakakakak..

may god save me~~!!@@ afternoon..><

Saturday, July 25, 2009

jUsT For LAUgh!!!^^ again><

You must read to the end to enjoy it

A Singaporean was on holiday in Malaysia ........

He was having his coffee, croissants, bread, butter & jam at the hotel's coffee house. A Malaysian man who was chewing gum, sat down next to him & started a casual conversation.

Malaysian: 'You Singaporeans eat the whole bread?'

Singaporean: 'Of course'

Malaysian: 'We don't. In Malaysia , we only eat what's inside.
The crusts we collect in a container, recycle it, transform them into croissants & sell them across to Singapore .'
The Malaysian then had a smirk on his face while the Singaporean listened in silence.

Malaysian: 'Do you eat the jam with the bread?'

Singaporean: 'Of course'

Malaysian (chuckling): 'We don't. In Malaysia , we eat fresh fruit for breakfast, then we put all the peels, seeds & other left-over in a container, recycle them, transform them into jam,..... before we sell it across to Singapore .'

This time, the Singaporean retorted: 'Do you have sex in Malaysia ?'

Malaysian: 'Why, of course we do'

Singaporean: 'Do you wear protection'

Malaysian: 'Of course! We wear condoms.'

Singaporean: 'And what do you do with the condoms once you've used them?'

Malaysian: 'Stupid question!!! Of course we throw them away.'

Singaporean: 'We don't. In Singapore, the government secretly puts them in a container, recycle them, melt them down into chewing gum & sell them across to Malaysia......., and that's the real reason why we banned chewing gum in Singapore!'

Sunday, July 19, 2009

St.john scout campfire><

18 JULY...........

It was a real harsh day...hmm..><
Mayb its because i reached there too too early and got nothing to
since these was my 1st time attending "campfire" i'm kinda interested of the upcoming event><..

it started at 7.30 when its really dark know what?what i liked the most was the scenery of KL Tower!! it was so so beautiful..*like i never see kl tower b4*
it kept on changing the colour and its a real sight-to-behold!!

In this campfire, i met with my old ild primary friends like yi sheng,wai kiat,you jin...since we have nt seen each other 4 almost 5 yrs,so kinda difficult to communicate><

The event started by delivering sppech from the organising committee,their teacher advisor..bla bla bla...
its kinda stuffy here as everyone became so 'high'..haha..except me la==

then it was games time..we were required to build a 'family' with father,mother,sister and brother..haha..of cos i'm the mother,wai kiat was the father,yi sheng was the'sister' and fong was the brother..we have to listen to de instructions like who's gonna be on the chair,who's gonna lift up de chair...its very fun!!

next they have dancing stail,lol==..then they have live band..wohoo!!
all the st.john fella were so crazy and high..>
next,they have games somemore which we have to form a big circle and ppl were have to run in dizzy when i ran.zzz

The climax was.....a battle between bad and good guy..i mean they had a slideshow showing someone being kidnapped because of wanting a precious bag..then they bring the situation to the campfire..aome were climbing the wall of their school,some were fighting,some were a nutshell,its very 'chi gek' la==

lasty, the event end by presenting souvenirs to the scout from each school,well i admired their semangat man..keep on shouting their so call slogan!!

phew~~finally end at 10.30pm..well wai kiat teman me walked to the station as it was late dy..hmm.eventhough i'm a black belt holder bt things like this is unpredictable right?

you know what i saw in the station?it was all the MU football fans..eventhough i'm nt a fans of it bt hmm..i'm kinda curious bout the score ystd..anyone can tell me???><

...wahhh,so nice having a shower after i reached home...
well,the st john fella gonna stay oernight at school,play basketball,eat Hokkien mee..hahahahahahahahha

THE END.......................

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Maktab Tentera Diraja(MTD)..SALUTE!!!

quite blurrrr><
behind : michelle,haznanee,haznanee's fascilitator,my fascilitator,michelle's fascilitator,ME,diana
front that sitting one is the head of our group who also diana's fascilitator..

15 JULY...

Today i went to MTD with another three students..
the objectives of visiting there is to actually learn the skills or technique to answer SEJARAH test paper in the future.

We reached MTD at you know it was raining outside so the atmosphere was kinda cold like we were in genting highlands..haha><
You know what?! the Maktab was so so big that you might get lost in it!!well,its kinda hard for you to imagine though==

At9.30am,the so call seminar started by delivering speech from the people incharged or i should said people who were expert in sejarah!!
Next,we were all grouped in 8 and each of us has a facilitator from MTD means 1 to 1 la><..
I had the discussion with a student who name is Ridz..
we were quite 'shy' and embarrassed at the beginning because we still dont know each other,well the others also faced the same problem like me><

well....the discussion on 1 to 1 carried on from 9.30am to 2.00pm!!!in that few hours, i have actually studied all the syllabus of sejarah eventhough my school teacher hasn't teach yet..hehe><
OMG!! the last last chapters were real hectic!!--gotta absorb 1st!!

the funny things was,we completed our module all in point form and it looks so pack n kinda messy...the MTD students completed it using mind maps and answered de questions in a few sentences only!!!well, i really need to learn from them><

at 2.30pm,the course ended.we all thanks each other and BYE BYE!!!

IN A NUTSHELL,they all were so 'terrible','horrible',incredible' in sejarah..gotta SALUTE them!!!><

Saturday, July 11, 2009

jUsT For LAUgh!!!^^

So funny - 小学生造句

1.题目: 原来
小朋友写: 原来他是我爸爸。
老师评语: 妈妈关切一下

2.题目: ..一边........... 一边 ............ ..
小朋友写: 他一边脱衣服 ,一边穿裤子.
老师评语: 他到底要脱还是要穿啊~~

3.题目: 其中
小朋友写: 我的其中一只左脚受伤了。
老师评语: 你是蜈蚣?~~

4.题目: 一... 就....
小朋友写: 一只娃娃就要一百块。
老师评语: 老师笑到不行..

5. 題目: 你看
小朋友写: 你看什么看! 没看过啊
老师评语: ............

6. 照样造句
例题: 你 (唱歌) 我(跳舞)
小朋友写 : 你(好吗 ) 我(很好)
老师评语: 你在写英文翻译吗??

例题: 别人都夸我( ),其实我( )
小朋友写: 别人都夸我( 很帅 ),其实我( 是戴面具的) 。
老师评语 : 什么面具这么好用???

8.题目: 好... 又好..
小朋友写: 妈妈的腿,好细又好粗...!
老师评语: 那到底是细还是粗?

9. 题目 : 陆陆续续
小朋友写: 下班了,爸爸陆陆续续的回来。
老师评语: 你到底有几个爸爸呀?

10.题目: 皮开肉绽
小朋友写: 停电的夜晚,到处很黑,我吓得皮开肉绽!
老师评语: 看到这句... 老师佩服你。

11.题目: 欣欣向荣-比喻生长美好的样子。
小朋友写: 我的弟弟长得欣欣向荣。
老师评语: 孩子,你弟弟是植物人吗 ...
小朋友写: 欣欣向荣荣告白。
老师评语: 连续剧不要看太多~~

12. 题目: 谢谢....因为 ......
小朋友写 : 我要谢谢妈妈,因为她每天都帮我写作业......
老师评语: 原来你的作业是妈妈写的!!!!!!!

13.题目: 难过
小朋友写: 我家门前有条水沟很难过。
老师评语 : 老师更难过......

14. 题目: 天才
小朋友写: 我3天才洗一次澡。
老师评语: 要每天洗才干净~~

15.題目: 一… 便 …
小朋友写: 我一走出门,对面就是便利商店。
小朋友写: 哥哥一吃完饭,就大便。
老师评语: 造句不要乱造...

16. 題目: 又..... 又 .....
小朋友寫: 我的妈妈又矮又高又瘦又肥。


18 瓜分

19 好吃
老师: ………

20 况且

Friday, July 10, 2009

oouchhhhhhh!!! PaIn PaIN Pain!!!

10 JULY..

argh!!such a unlucky day><

As usual,we'll be having taekwondo class at 12.30pm..
everything went on smoothly..very smooth..till..til..master asked us to do those sparring steps---stepping,shuffle,sliding,45 degree 'avoidance'lol.......
till till..sliding time..slide ar slide ar,*peess*..SH*t!!leg skin peeled off liao!!OUCHHH!!pain pain pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

however after putting plaster on it,i continued with de class..the whole time i 'yao jing ya gen'nia!!!!haha...after class,you know what we actually saw??!!
we saw MONKEY..==SWT"..well its a real big,grey,long tail monkey...n you know what?we actually saw ourselves!!wakakaak....monkey see monkey!!hahahahhah:]

2.30pm---hmmm...its time to go tuition..i like tempang like that lo went to tuition..what to do><...............

In a nutshell,i loss one piece of skin today,and kena scolded by my parents...they even asked me to stop tkd cos SPM left over around 120 daysssssssssssssss><
argh!!!!!!!!!!!pain la...

Monday, July 6, 2009

AweSome!! look here!! my species><

hey!! look!! there's really hairy mushroom species!! wakakak><

Just as the name implies, the hairy mushroom coral is a mushroom that has a "hairy" appearance, which is caused by the thin hair-like tentacles that cover them. Hairy mushrooms, like almost all other mushroom corals, are extremely easy to care for and make excellent choices for beginning reefkeepers and nano reef owners.

They come in many colors, including brown, tan, and a colorful green. Hairy mushroom corals don't require much at all, and will grow and reproduce rapidly in an aquarium with good lighting and water flow. Be warned, however, that they are somewhat aggressive and will "dominate" the aquarium if given the chance (ie, they reproduce fast!). But if kept trimmed back, they will do wonderfully and will contribute to the uniqueness and texture of a reef aquarium.

Hairy Mushroom Coral Surface

Regardless of the color and design of the coral, the surface of all hairy mushroom corals will appear hairy because they are covered extensively with small, delicate hair-like tentacles. When exposed to intense indirect light the hairy mushroom coral will open fully, measuring anywhere from five to seven inches across.

Hairy Mushroom Coral Nutrients

Hairy mushroom coral grows out of rocks in the shallow water of ocean beds so that it can take full advantage of the frequent sunlight this area of the ocean gets on a daily basis. This placement is crucial as the majority of the hairy mushroom coral’s nutritional intake is generated through photosynthesis, although the coral itself is not responsible for this process. By hosting minute algae within its body, the hairy mushroom coral can take advantage of the symbiotic relationship, resulting in light-driven photosynthesis that creates key nutrients and energy for the coral.

Hairy Mushroom Coral Feeding
The hairy mushroom coral also has the ability to trap and eat organisms that are carried by with the ocean currents, such as plankton, which the hairy mushroom coral will use to supplement the minerals and nutrients it obtains from photosynthesis.

Hairy Mushroom Coral Reproduction
Reproduction in hairy mushroom corals occurs asexually, through fission or laceration, when portions of the base or mouth detach from the adult polyp and begin to grow into a separate coral. Because the hairy mushroom coral reproduces so easily, colonies of corals can grow quite large and expansive, even in a home aquarium. Frequent supplemental feedings of marine snow, phytoplankton, brine shrimp and other trace elements will help encourage population of hairy mushroom coral within a home tank.

Hairy Mushroom Coral in the Reef Aquarium
A fair amount of water movement is necessary for the hairy mushroom coral, to the extent of setting up the water to shoot directly onto the specimen. This moderate water flow not only mimics what the hairy mushroom coral would be getting in its natural environment, but it will also help keep algae and debris away from the hairy mushroom coral, which could cause the hairy mushroom coral to decay. Water conditions should be kept stable for hairy mushroom coral, being vigilant about checking temperature and pH levels. If the tank is medicated regularly, the hairy mushroom coral must always be removed before the medication process is initiated. Hairy mushroom coral need to have their own separate space in a tank so that they do not encroach upon other territory inhabited by fellow creatures or release dangerous levels of poison through the hairy mushroom coral’s chemical defense system.

AweSome!! look here!! my species><

2009/2010 new B.O.D!!!!

1 JULY...

After the Xplorace organised by the INteract club..,it was the moment we all waiting forrr....Installation!!yes!!its the installation for the new its imformal one time mah.><..anyway..lets continue..

at first we gather all the participants at Laman Gemilang so that they can share the joyful moment together==..

To not waste all our precious time,we start to install them as it was very hot and all of us semms very tired after the Xplorace><

To make the atmosphere more mystery,we all start to installed from the bottom post..?lol..then everything went on smmothly....we splashed some finger ink onto the "chosen"'s one's face..hahahahha...all looked so muddy,dirty,chocolaty..haha==

after bout 10 min,the installation comes to an end..well everyone's face were so so so prettyyyy...hehehe^^

Saturday, July 4, 2009

British English vs. Malaysian English

British English vs. Malaysian English

Who says our English is teruk? Just read below - Ours is simple, short, concise, straight-to-the-point, effective etc.

Britons: I'm sorry, sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.

Malaysians: No stock.

Britons: Hello, this is John Smith.. Did anyone call for me a few moments ago?

Malaysians: Hello, who call?

Britons: Excuse me, I would like to get by. Would you please make way?

Malaysians: S-kew me.

Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?

Malaysians: (pointing at the door) Can ah?

Britons: Please make yourself right at home.

Malaysians: No need shy shy one lah!

Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.

Malaysians: Where got?

Britons: I would prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.

Malaysians: Don't want lah.

Britons: Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice? I'm trying to concentrate over here.

Malaysians: Shut up lah!

Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment..

Malaysians: Die lah!!

Britons: This isn't the way to do it. Here, let me show you.

Malaysians: Like that also don't know how to do!

Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me?

Malaysians: Celaka you!


I can almost see it
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking, every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
but I got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s The Climb
Miley Cyrus Lyrics on

The struggles I’m facing, the chances I’m taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
The pain I’m knowing but these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about, it’s all about
The climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith